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lick “Turn on” and then “Scan” button. You could use track bar to adjust the data cut-off distance
(i.e. any obstacle with distance larger than this value will be ignored). By checking
, you will
enable the collision avoidance function.
Battery information and motor information is
displayed here. If the robot uses the included LiPo
battery, you need to stop the robot when voltage is
below marked voltage (22.2V) in order to prevent
battery damage. Motor temperatures are also
displayed here. “Encoder Pos” boxes show the
encoder position values received in motor driver
board from motion control board. If the motor driver
board state is in the “ESTOP”, you need click “Estop
Wheel” button to release the board from emergency
stop state.
When selected, the motors will be disabled once motor temperature is higher than the safety threshold
(we recommend this feature to be enabled for safer operation); when de-selected, motor over-heat protection
feature is disabled.