Q. How many traps are triggered when a single point is set or cleared? The MIB defines traps
like "major alarm set/cleared," "RTU point set," and a lot of granular traps, which could imply
that more than one trap is sent when a change of state occurs on one point.
Generally, a single change of state generates a single trap.
Q. The Remote Power Switch (AC) manual talks about control relay outputs. How do I control
these from my SNMP manager?
The control relays are operated by issuing the appropriate set commands, which are contained in
the DPS Telecom MIB.
Q. How can I associate descriptive information with a point for the RTU granular traps?
The Remote Power Switch (AC) alarm point descriptions are individually defined using the Web
Q. My SNMP traps aren't getting through. What should I try?
Try these three steps:
1. Make sure that the Trap Address (IP address of the SNMP manager) is defined. (If you changed
the Trap Address, make sure you saved the change to NVRAM and rebooted.)
2. Make sure all alarm points are configured to send SNMP traps.
3. Make sure the Remote Power Switch (AC) and the SNMP manager are both on the network. Use
the unit's ping command to ping the SNMP manager.