Advanced Configuration
Fig. 9.12
- Detailed analog settings
Editing Analogs - Advanced
The amount (in volts) that the channel needs to go above or below a
threshold in order to cause an alarm.
User-definable display units or optional choice between Fahrenheit and
Celsius temperatures. The most common are:
VDC = Voltage
%H = Humidity
F = Fahrenheit
C = Celsius
Low Reference *
User-definable lower threshold settings
High Reference *
User-definable upper threshold settings
Threshold settings. These temperature settings are used to indicate
the severity of the alarm depending on which threshold values have
been passed. Enter values for Major Under (MjU), Minor Under (MnU),
Minor Over (MnO), and Major Over (MjO).
These values are gathered from your sensor. Keep in mind that the NetGuardian is trying to build a
linear equation to give the most accurate results. See examples below.
Example 1: If you are measuring battery voltage, we want the NetGuardian to show that the input is -
54.2 VDC if -54.2 VDC is really being measured. However, if you are measuring temperature, the values
are typically not a 1 : 1 ratio.
Example 2: Your X-Type sensor outputs 4 - 20mA. (We use a 250 ohm resistor to convert current to
voltage measurement. Ohms Law tells us that 4mA x 250 ohms = 5 VDC. The sensor should tell us
what the output current references. In this example, 4mA = 23º F and 20mA = 131º F
1V = 23º F
and 5V = 131º F.