Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Document: Operation Manual
Date: 16-Jun-2011
Version: A.6
Page 35 of 35 H71343
Quality Certificate
Functional Inspection
OPW Fluid Transfer Group Europe BV
Roggestraat 38
2153 GC Nieuw Vennep
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)252 660 300
declare that:
Product description : Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Item number
: 8800E/8801E
Serial no./ Lot no.
Brand name
: Civacon
has satisfactorily passed a manufacturing quality check, containing a functionality test, a dimensional
check and a visual inspection.
All tests are in accordance with the
OPW Fluid Transfer Group Europe BV
, ‘General Test and
Inspection Plan’.
Place : Nieuw Vennep
Date :
Quality Control Inspector
(Authorized signatory on behalf of OPW Fluid Transfer Group Europe B.V.)