A S S E M B L Y I N S T R U C T I O N S S U N L A K E - O V A L - P A G E 3
Where to position my pool?
Before you start building your pool, pay attention to the
following points:
1. Garden fence.
2. Trees, roots, overhanging branches and falling
3. Underground wiring or cables.
4. Position pool with regard to sun terrace or sunken
sitting area.
5. Position pool with regard to the sunshine.
6. Supervision of small children.
7. Convenient location of filter and pump.
8. Convenient electrical outlet for the pump
9. 2 or 3 people for assistance during assembly.
10. Do not build in case of strong wind.
11. Walking space around your pool (60 cm).
12. Put your pool on a level underground.
13. In case of building the pool into the ground:
groundwater level.
(Not included)
1. 12 nails, 4 cm long
2. Patio blocks, 1 per stud
3. Roller masonry or kite string
4. Binder clips
5. Straight board, 5 x 10 cm diameter
(Length, please refer to Step 1)
6. Scotch tape 5 cm wide
7. Wooden stake 5 x 5 cm, 50 cm long
8. Sub-liner
1. Carpenter’s level
2. Carpenter’s saw
3. Fibre tip pen
4. Stanley knife
5. Star + regular screwdriver
6. Hammer
7. Shovel / barrow
8. Rake
9. Tape measure