Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
ED3K_Operating_Manual_Rev02LD_03Lug2020_EN. docx
Rev.02 – 03.07.2020
Spray - valves
Figure 39 Cycle programs – Spray page
At the left side of the atomizer page are present the current process values and the status of the
Recipe n°:
number of the recipe in use.
number of the color valve of the recipe in use
number of the B channel valve of the recipe in use
number of the C channel valve of the recipe in use
Mix ratio AB
the mixing ratio of the recipe in use between A and B
Mix ratio AC
the mixing ratio of the recipe in use between A and C
P. Prog. 1
number of the purge program of the spray gun one
P. Prog. 2
number of the purge program of the spray gun two
Load Q.1
quantity to load in the spray gun 1 in milliliters
Load Q.2
quantity to load in the spray gun 2 in milliliters
Pot T. G1
the elapsed time of gun 1 pot life in minutes
Pot T. G2
the elapsed time of
gun 2 pot life in minutes
An additional green bar shows graphically the elapsed time values on the total pot life time.