- Place the replaced bottom door mount into left top door mount bore of
door. Push door mount into left-hand-side opening and secure with 2
(Figure 20,21)
- Push door mount hole cover into upper right-hand-side opening, then
secure with a screw.
(Figure 22)
Make sure of unhindered opening and appropriate secure sealing of the door. If
needed, make corrections after loosening the screws that secure the door. Re-
fasten the screws.
- When only replacing the door, dismounting of the door mount hole cover and
door stop or the switching of the door mounts is not necessary.
2.2.2. Replacing the legs
- Place unit on its back carefully so that the hinge is not damaged.
- Dismount outer legs by unscrewing 2-2 screws.
(Figure 23)
- Take out inner legs from outer legs.
(Figure 24)
- Mount inner legs by securing front legs using bores closer to door and
securing back legs using bores closer to back panel.
(Figure 25)
Screw remaining screws into appropriate bores, fasten.
The front screws play a part in securing the door mount and the door stop.
Figure 20
Figure 22
Figure 21