The Battery Does Not Seem To Charge
Be sure the charging plugs are fully and securely inserted.
Make sure you are using the battery charger provided with the trainer.
If the battery does not hold a charge as long as it used to, it may be time to
replace the battery
For battery questions or replacement, please contact Customer Service:
(800) 793-3436 x622 M-F, 9am-5pm EST
- or - Email: [email protected]
No Communication Link
The link can usually be restored by turning the system off and then turning it
on again or by plugging-in the transmitter and receiver to charge.
Sometimes the transmitter and receiver must be reprogrammed to recognize
each other. See page 24.
Cold Weather Performance
All batteries experience a drop in voltage during and may run down more
quickly cold weather.
The signal the dog feels from the collar may not be as strong in cold weather.
For best results in the cold months, charge and store your remote trainer at
room temperature when not in use.
For other Troubleshooting questions, please visit the website -or-
contact Customer Service. (800) 793-3436 x622, M-F 9am-5pm EST.