Dogs generally jump up to get attention. To correct jumping, all members of
the family and all guests need to be consistent when training.
When your dog wants to jump up, instruct him to sit instead and then give
him the praise and attention he is looking for.
If the remote trainer is needed to correct jumping up on people, use the Brief
(B) button to send a training correction whenever he jumps up. Do not praise
the dog when he gets off.
Use the same approach to correct jumping up to
steal food from the
or the table. If your dog usually does this when you are not in the
room, you may need to leave food on the counter or the table then go where
you can observe the dog but he cannot see you.
You can train your dog to stay off of
furniture; or you can limit your
training to specific furniture. Regardless, it is crucial that you are consistent.
Any furniture that is ‘off limits’ should
be ‘off limits.’
Timing is important. Send a training signal the moment your dog starts to
climb on the furniture.
Your dog should associate the act of jumping on the furniture with the
training signal so he will avoid the selected furniture in the future.
You can also conditionally train your dog that jumping on furniture
results in receiving the training signal, while responding to your invitation will
be rewarded with praise. Use a lower training level for conditional training
than you would for “off limits” training.
Jumping on Furniture