Note :
The test lamp may not be visible if the
intensity level is set below level ten.
7. To make sure that your beeper is working
properly, press the Locate button once with the
horn portion facing away from you (or place your
hand over the horn). The sound may be extremely
loud and may cause discomfort to your ears. If
you do hear an audible beeper sound, your
location button is in working order.
8. Press the Mode button once; you should hear 2
rapid beeps. This will put you into the Run/Point
Mode. Keep the receiver/collar steady to mimic
your dog at a standstill point. Wait for a moment
until you hear a double beep in 2-second intervals.
You may proceed to the next step if the double
beep occurs.
9. Press the Mode button a second time; you should
hear 1 rapid beep. This will put you into the
Point-Only Mode. Once again, keep your
receiver/collar steady and wait for a moment until
the collar emits a double beep every 2 seconds. If
it is audible, move onto the next step.
10. Press the Mode button a third time; you should
hear 3 rapid beeps. This mode will turn off your
beeper and remain silent.
Note 1 :
The sound that the beeper will emit will vary
depending on your selection with the (High/Low)
toggle switch. The two-dog model: Dogtra 2502 T&B
has a fixed beeper sound based on the color of the
Note 2 :
When using the Run/Point mode or the Point-
Only mode, the beeper volume level reverts back to
the volume level that was last used.
Note 3 :
In the Run/Point or Point-Only mode the tone
can be changed by holding down the “Locate” button
and then pressing the “Mode” button when the
High/Low toggle switch is in the desired position.
The unit must be activated and in the Run/Point or
Point-Only mode first.
Note 4 :
In the Run/Point or Point-Only mode it is still
possible to use electrical stimulation.
* To make sure that your Beeper Volume is in
working condition, please refer to page 23 for
further testing instructions.