The function allows you to use "Osaifu-
Keitai compatible service" for payment or
coupon by just holding over a store reader,
or "かざしてリンク対応サービス (Kazashite-
Link compatible service)" for accessing
information by holding over home electrical
appliances, smart poster, etc.
You can save electronic money, point, etc.
to IC card or docomo mini UIM card.
Also, you can check deposit or balance of
electronic money, or point value, take measures
against theft or loss by locking Osaifu-Keitai.
For details on Osaifu-Keitai, refer to NTT
DOCOMO website.
• A setting from the dedicated website or
application is required to use Osaifu-Keitai
compatible services.
• The data in the IC card *
and docomo mini UIM
card *
may be lost or altered from malfunction
of the terminal (when we repair your Osaifu-
Keitai etc., as we cannot repair it with data
remained, you are required to erase the data
by yourself). For support such as reissuance,
restoration, temporary preservation or transfer
of data, contact Osaifu-Keitai compatible
service providers. For important data, be sure
to use a service with backup service.
• If the data in the IC card or docomo UIM card is
lost, altered or damaged by any means related
to Osaifu-Keitai compatible service such as
malfunction or model change, DOCOMO is not
liable for the loss of data.