● If you have no choice but to travel over
a r a i l r o a d c r o s s i n g , h a v e a n a s s i s t a n t
accompany you.
1.5.10. Railroad Crossings
● At intersections where there are no traffic lights or crosswalks, stop in the following
three stages.
1. Stop before entering the road.
2. Stop where you can be seen by automobiles.
3. Stop where you have a good view of the road.
● Avoid railroad crossings if you can go around them.
● Be sure to stop before the railroad crossing and check to the left and right for safety.
● When traveling over a railroad crossing,
proceed as close as possible at a right angle
to the railroad tracks. If you travel diagonally,
the wheelchair casters may get caught in the
railroad tracks.
● Be careful not to travel too close to the edge when traveling over a railroad crossing.
Otherwise, the wheels could accidentally move off the railroad crossing.
If case of an emergency, do not panic. Have the assistant or a person around you push
the emergency button and move off the railroad crossing as quickly as possible.