Web Power Switch
External Environmental Sensor
A 3.5mm jack near the antenna connector provides power and ground
for TTL environmental sensors. The tip is TTL data, the ring provides
5V and sleve is grounded. The Dallas DS18B20 is currently supported.
Sensors are sold separately.
Open Source Code
In compliance with the spirit of the GNU public license, most source
code is provided for reference. Purchasing a TLA and signing an NDA
from Atheros are highly recommended before attempting any custom
development. DLI can’t provide warranty or offer tech support for
modified units.
Technical Support & FAQs
Please register. Painless on-line registration gets you free tech support,
access to firmware updates, and information when updates and new
features become available. Take advantage of the FAQ page:
Your Suggestions Are Appreciated!
At DLI, we listen to customers. Please send suggestions to