Web Power Switch
remote web sites by entering URLs in the
page. For example,
enter “Site Two Power Controller” in the description field and a URL of
“” These links appear on the left side of the web pages.
Access Control
The administrator can grant users access to only certain outlets. To set
permissions, login as admin first, then create a permissions matrix by
entering user names on the left and checking allowed outlets on the right.
Network Settings
A valid fixed IP address, network mask, and gateway must be entered in
this section.
When changing IPs, you may need to restart your network switch to
validate the new IP on an “auto-configuring” switch port.
Be sure to record
the new IP address.
Use the
button to lock the network settings.
Once protected, the
network settings cannot be changed except by pressing the physical reset
button on the side of the Pro.
AutoPing Operation and Settings
AutoPing is an automatic system for rebooting IP equipment without
human intervention. AutoPing will monitor a device. If it stops responding,
AutoPing can cycle power to reboot it. For example, you might use
AutoPing to monitor an external multi-cast IP to automatically reboot a
DSL router or WiFi AP.
To use AutoPing, first add an IP address. Next, link that IP address to one
or more outlets. Timing settings must be considered.
Add IP Address to AutoPing
Use this option to specify the address of an IP device you wish to monitor.
After entering the IP address, the settings page will refresh and you can
select the outlets associated with this address. Use the checkboxes in
the AutoPing section to correlate the IP address to one or more outlets. If
communications to the target IP is lost, these outlets will be rebooted. Four
main parameters control AutoPing:
Time between pings
This is the time between each “ping” check of the IP address. 60 seconds
should be useful for most applications.
Ping failures before reboot
This sets the number of failed communications attempts that must be
sequentially detected before a power cycle. For example, when set to
5, the target system must fail to respond 5 times in a row before it is
rebooted. Since occasional network timeouts and packet loss can occur