36 DiViS
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Smart Search allows searching data by detecting motion in the data.
This feature allows rapid searching for images by specified time, date, camera, and limiting the
searching parameter to specific levels of motion. Specific regions within the video can be selected to
search through. For example, if the rate of motion is high, only images captured during a certain time
frame and associated motion rate will be selected.
- From: Beginning time for searching
- To: End time for searching.
- Camera: The camera in which to search
- Sensitive: Sensitivity level of motion – only video that meet this level will be found and
- Rate: Setup the motion ratio.
- Search: Searches for images by designated date, time period, camera, and rate of motion
- Stop: Stops the searching.
- Clear Area: It deletes the designated area.
- Skip Frame: If it is inconvenient to shift through the data, it is possible to compress the file by
skipping through frames.
- Save: Saves selected data found by smart search function. When JPEG compression is used,
its file format will be .JPG. However, if it is MPEG compression, its file format will be .BMP.
- Print: Prints the data found by smart search.
- Bookmark: Able to bookmark for wanted data. Search the data from bookmark list from Search
- Close: Close the smart searching process.