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- Recommend to use Intel Chipset mother board.
I) It might be incompatible with mobile system or special system mother board.
Intel 865 / 875 Chipset Motherboard
Asus Yes Yes Yes No
Gigabyte Yes
Yes Yes Yes No
MSI Yes No Yes No
Intel 915 / 945 Chipset Motherboard
Asus Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Intel Yes Yes Yes Yes
MSI Yes No Yes Yes
Intel 865GBF Model is not recommended
Note: Please contact technical support for the list of compatible motherboard. It is required to follow the
recommendation, due to the variable capability of motherboards.
- Recommend Intel Pentium 4 2.4 or higher for CPU.
I) CPU that is lower than Intel Pentium 4 2.4 can reduce the recording frame rate.
II) Recommend Intel Pentium 4 3.0 or higher for 32 channel. (Hyper-threading must be diabled)
- Recommend 512MB or above system memory.
I) Less than 512MB of memory may bring down the overall system performance.
II) Recommend 1GB or more for 32 channel board.
- Recommend ATI Redeon 9000 or higher.
I) Recommend ATI Express 300 or higher for xxxN32 board.
II) Intel onboard Extreme Graphic II or GMA 950. However, using integrated video controller may drop frame
rate for 32 channel models.
- Recommend 80GB or larger hard driver.
I) Install the latest Service Pack when using 160GB or larger hard drive.
II) Recommend Serial ATA type (SATA) hard drive for 32 channel.
- Recommend Windows XP. Under Windows 2000, must install Direct X 8.0 or higher for sound recording.
- Disable screen saver and Standby mode.
I) Turn off System Standby mode.
II) Turn off Screen saver.
III) Turn off all the energy saving feature.
2. Installation Notes