Router Setup
Customer chooses to
Start Setup
from the Out-of-Home Access
setup screen.
The following steps automatically happen next:
1. The router database downloads – up to 10 seconds. If the
router is a known router type, the wizard will attempt to
configure the router automatically. If the router cannot be
identified or the router cannot be automatically configured,
the customer selects their router from the list and manually
enters the router’s login information.
2. If the customer’s router is found and recognized, the
automatic setup process then continues to “testing remote
3. If successful, a completion screen displays. Click
4. The customer can now view content remotely on a selected
device once they log in to their home network.
Router Configuration Failure
If the router configuration wizard has failed, follow these steps to
try and resolve the problem:
1. Read through and follow the onscreen instructions. Make
sure the router and network don’t have any issues then select
Try again
2. Once
Try again
is selected, the ports are incremented and
the configuration is attempted again.
3. If the same failure screen appears, you should call ISS
and the customer should select the
link for further guidance.
Out-of-Home Streaming
Once the Activation process completes, the GenieGO then
checks to see if the customer’s wireless router is configured for
Out-of-Home Streaming. If the router requires configuration,
there is a wizard that continues through the setup.
This wizard is only available on the PC and Mac client. If the
customer does not have a PC or Mac, the other mobile clients
will direct the user to the manual configuration tool on the directv.
com website.
The client will then automatically proceed to verify if the
customer’s router is already configured to allow the out-of-home
feature. If the router is not properly configured or cannot be
verified to support out-of-home streaming, the next screen will
request if they wish to set up the out-of-home streaming.
Out-of-Home Streaming