© 2020 Digitrax, Inc.
au moins 20 mm de séparation du corps humain en tout temps.“
The UT6 charging a BP600MH battery meets DOE UEC requirements
Patents and Trade Secret
Digitrax uses material covered by US Patents 6,220,552, 6,275,739, 6,318,678,
6,367,742, 6,545,886, 6,513,763, 6,747,579, 6,536,716, 6,533,223, 6,533,224,
8,229,582, 8,292,237, 6,729,584 and others under non-exclusive licenses and/
or assignments from Anthony J. Ireland. Licensing for material covered by
these patents are available to other companies and individuals. Other patents
covering technology used by Digitrax are pending. Measures to protect trade
secret information are enforced.
Digitrax licenses the commercial use of LocoNet, which is trade secret tech-
nology, to other companies on a non-exclusive basis. LocoNet is copyrighted
10.0 Warranty and Repair Information
*Please review the diagram on page 4 regarding the IR sensor and voiding
your warranty before continuing onto this section!*
Digitrax gives a one-year “no worries” warranty against manufacturing defects
and accidental customer damage on all Digitrax products. That’s it! Simple,
straightforward warranty, no tricky language!
All warranties on Digitrax products are limited to repair or replacement of
Digitrax products at the discretion of Digitrax. Except to the extent expressly
stated, there are no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to
any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
For items that are no longer covered under warranty, whenever possible we
will make repairs to units at fair and reasonable rates.
Please visit our warranty and repair page at
warranty and repair information and procedures.
Digitrax, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in design and specifications,
and/or to make additions or improvements in its products without imposing
any obligations upon itself to install these changes, additions or improvements
on products previously manufactured.
Digitrax, Inc. is not responsible for unintentional errors or omissions in
this document.