Standard Basic structure and operating principle
fig. 1 - Message structure
In its basic structure it is suitable for a direct wire link, and in a module to module communication. It
is suggested to use full duplex mode.
For wire linked modules no other handshake than the packet itself is needed.
The commands and data transfer is based on MESSAGES (it can be a collection of several packets as
needed) split into PACKETS of any suitable size till 1024 characters actually transmitted, including
header; this is the Rx buffer size.
fig. 2 - Packet structure
Every MESSAGE starts with SOH and ends with EOT.
Every PACKET starts with STX and ends with ETX.
The message structure is shown in fig.1 and the packet structure is in fig.2. In this figure for example,
a packet with the following data is shown:
Source: 0001h (taximeter)