The 4GMCU is supplied with several applications developed by Digitax. Some of them are system
applications that perform several tasks necessary to get the full hardware functionalities, some other
are sample applications used to demonstrate the internal hardware. These applications are located
in the \Hard Disk\SysApps folder.
All of them have been developed using some custom DLLs useful for interfacing digital I/O, serial
ports, AITP functionalities and the other internal hardware.
Those DLLs are part of the Software Development Kit provided with the 4GMCU, and the source code
of those applications is available as example for the developers.
Sample Applications
AUTORUN application
As soon as Windows CE is started, the Autorun.exe program is launched.
It is a system application that take care of many thinks:
Power up and initializes GPS and GSM modems
Updates AITP firmware if the file ”MCU_21.hex” is found in the ”\Hard Disk\SysApps\Box”
Updates AITP setup if the file ” EESetup.ait” is found in the ”\Hard Disk\SysApps\Box” folder
Updates Embedded Taximeter setup if the file ”FxMitsu.m16” is found in the ”\Hard
Disk\SysApps\Box” folder
Copy all DLL’s that are in the ”\Hard Disk\ ” folder to Windows folder so all the other
applications are able to use them without having local copies.
Copies all desktop links that are in the ”\Hard Disk\SysApps\Desk” folder to the Desktop
Runs the “.exe” files listed in the ”\Hard Disk\RunOnce.txt” file, then clears the file.
Runs the “.exe” files listed in the ”\Hard Disk\ RunList.txt” file
You can freely use the services provided by the Autorun application.
For example, in order to run your application(s) every time the MCU starts, simply add the full exe
name to the RunList.txt file.