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When you restart your Digifly Leonardo the version number of the new software you have
just installed is briefly shown on the start up screen.
It is suggested that you upload the new “help setup” file in order to obtain information on
any of the new parameters that have been installed with the upgrade. Use the function
“Upload Help” from within the latest version of the Digifly Vltools software.
Problem: I attached the cable but the software does not connect.
A) Unplug the cable, download from our web site the driver installer (www.digifly.com -
>software -> " DIGIFLYNEXTGEN-USB Driver.zip”, run it on your PC then plug in the cable
How to Check the Driver Installation:
1) Go to the Device Manager : Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device
2) Click on the plus sign (+) next to "Ports".
3) If the device is installed properly, you will see "Prolific USB-to-Serial Com Port.
(COMx)". Note that x is the number of the COM port assigned to the cable.
B) Look for a conflict with a another program or device and turn off firewall / antivirus
C) It is also possible that the COM port number assigned is too high or duplicated with
some other devices e.g. (Bluetooth - Irda).
Try to reassign the COM port number:
1) Go to the Device Manager: Start ->Control Panel ->System ->Hardware ->Device
2) Click on the plus sign (+) next to "Ports".
3) Right click on the "Prolific USB to Serial Port" and click on Properties.
4) Click on the "Port Settings" tab. Click the "Advanced" button.
5) Pull down the scrollbar on the bottom, left side and select COM 1, 2, 3 or 4 (NOTE:
Choose one that does not say "in use" next to it). Click "OK".