(1) Alarm Delay is the amount of time the software will wait before
issuing an alarm. If the alarm condition clearsbefore the Alarm
Delay period has passed, then no alarm will be issued.
(2) Logger Models WT440 and WH445 use the alarm delay period
when sounding the audible alarm.
f) Once screen is complete click on SAVE CHANGES AND START button.
A window will pop up “Adding Logger”.
g) DO NOT disconnect Logger until the Info window opens indicating that the
Logger was installed successfully. This may take up to a minute
depending on the PC.
h) Once installed the Receiver will begin an Update routine for the Logger.
Do not plug in another Repeater/Logger till the update is complete.
i) The Logger now shows up in the WiZARD2.4 Logger table and can be
placed at the desired logging location. A Signal Sensor is recommended
for proper location of Loggers and Repeaters. See Signal Sensor.
i) Keep the Logger at the desk until all Loggers and Repeaters have
been added. Plug in AC adapter to Logger (Models WT440 & WH445
DO NOT turn off the Logger when moving it to the target location.
If using a WT440 or WH445, allow the Logger to run on battery power
while moving. Turning off the Logger can cause it to loose time. If the
Logger was turned off for any reason
– including changing batteries,
clear the Logger via USB or Wirelessly to reset time. See section 7.
iii) The Push-to-Start button can be used to force a transmission if
confirmation of logger connection is necessary. Hold down the button
for 3 seconds to send a transmission.
6) Placing Loggers and Repeaters
a) Now that the Loggers and Repeaters are setup, let them run at the PC for
a while before moving them. Make sure that all of the loggers are
b) If you setup more than 10 Loggers and or Repeaters, the first Loggers
installed may show a large time gap between the Time of Last
Transmission and Time of Last Reading. The Receiver can not accept
data when adding new Loggers and Repeaters, so the units need to catch
up. Give them time to do so.
c) Comparing the Time of Last Transmission and Time of Last Reading:
i) If the Sample rate is 2.5 minutes or less, the gap between the
Transmission time and Reading time should not be greater than 5
ii) For sample rates greater than 2.5 minutes, take 2 x sample rate to
determine the possible time gap between the Transmission and
Reading times. If the time gap is larger, there are missed