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BIOS Setup
Drive A
This field identifies the type of floppy disk drive installed.
No floppy drive is installed
360K, 5.25 in.
5-1/4 in. standard drive; 360KB capacity
1.2M, 5.25 in.
5-1/4 in. AT-type high-density drive; 1.2MB capacity
720K, 3.5 in.
3-1/2 in. double-sided drive; 720KB capacity
1.44M, 3.5 in.
3-1/2 in. double-sided drive; 1.44MB capacity
2.88M, 3.5 in.
3-1/2 in. double-sided drive; 2.88MB capacity
This field selects the type of video adapter used for the primary
system monitor. Although secondary monitors are supported, you do
not have to select the type. The default setting is EGA/VGA.
Enhanced Graphics Adapter/Video Graphics Array. For
EGA, VGA, SVGA and PGA monitor adapters.
CGA 40
Color Graphics Adapter. Power up in 40-column
CGA 80
Color Graphics Adapter. Power up in 80-column
Monochrome adapter.
Halt On
This field determines whether the system will stop if an error is
detected during power up. The default setting is All Errors.
No Errors
The system boot will not stop for any errors
All Errors
The system boot will stop whenever the
BIOS detects a non-fatal error.
All, But Keyboard
The system boot will not stop for a key-
board error; it will stop for all other errors.
All, But Diskette
The system boot will not stop for a disk er-
ror; it will stop for all other errors.
All, But Disk/Key
The system boot will not stop for a disk or
keyboard error; it will stop for all other er-