: It is necessary to connect USB device and signal source and activate
encoding to operate TS recording.
: It is necessary to connect USB device when operate TS playing.
Detailed Explanation:
There are 3 record modes provided: s
“Single file”: For example, when the file size is set as 1000M and the *.ts is
recorded up to 1000M, it automatically stops recording TS.
“Segment file”: For example, when the file size is set as 1000M and the *.ts is
recorded up to 1000M, it automatically saves the files and continues to record TS
and save it to next file until the USB memory is full.
“Loop record”: It automatically saves the files and continues to record TS and save
it to next file. When the USB memory is full, it replaces the previous file.
Advanced Config:
File Name: Users can enter this menu to edit name for the *.ts files to be recorded.
For example, if users name it “Record-”, it will give name to the saved *.ts files
“Record-001.ts”, “Record-002.ts”… “Record-00N.ts”.
File Size: users can set the file size for the *.ts to be recorded. A single file can be
maximum 2G in size.
Data Mode: There are 3 data modes:
1 Configure TS playing
parameters and click ‘set’ to start
playing TS files.
2 Click ‘stop’ to stop playing TS
and the recording section above
is available to operate.
For reading USB
device status
To stop USB device recording
or playing TS
1. Configure TS file
parameters and click
‘set’ to start recording.
2 Click ‘stop’ to stop
recording TS and the
playing section below
is available to operate.