T P 7 0 P Q u i c k St a r t
3 - 4
Descriptions of the Communication Ports on TP70P
What are the differences among the communication ports on TP70P, and methods of setting the
communication ports, and how to set them?
There are three communication ports on TP70P. The modes that the communication ports supports
are different, and the methods of setting the communication ports are also different. Please refer to the table
below for more information. COM1, COM2 and COM3 can be used simultaneously. The station address of
COM1 and the station address of COM2 are the same. The station address of COM3 is different from the
station address of COM1 and the station address of COM2.
Communication port
Mode supported
Method of setting a
communication port
COM1 supports connection to software,
and the uploading/download of a
Users have to install a
USB driver if COM1 is
used for the first time.
COM2 *1
COM2 is set by means of
special D devices and
special M devices in the
Text panel mode
COM3 is set by means of
objects in the text panel.
*1. Please refer to section 1.9 for more information.
COM1 can not function as a master station. It only supports the uploading/downloading of a program. If users
use COM1 for the first time, they need to install a USB driver so that the computer can identify the virtual
communication port which is connected to COM1. Please refer to section 3.1 for more information about
installing a USB driver.
COM2 can be used as a master station or a slave station. It supports ASCII/RTU communication. Users can set
a serial transmission rate. The maximum transmission rate which can be set is 115 kbps. The users can set the
number of data bits, a parity bit, and the number of stop bits. If RTU communication is used, the number of data
bits must be eight. D1120 in the PLC is used to set a communication protocol. If a communication error occurs
in COM2, the users can check special M devices.
COM3 supports the text panel. After a driver is selected, COM3 can function as a master/slave station, and
support ASCII/RTU communication. Users can set a serial transmission rate. The maximum transmission rate
which can be set is 115 kbps. The users can set the number of data bits, a parity bit, and the number of stop
bits. If a communication error occurs in COM3, a warning window showing that a communication error occurs
will appear on the screen of the text panel.