Operating method
In the Home screen, touch
A list is displayed with .
to switch respective power graphs.
Change the display to the Home screen.
Data can be downloaded onto USB memory.
Respective power details for a 3 month period, including the current day, are downloaded
as data in 15-minute increments.
Format: CSV
File name: TodayLog_yyyymmdd_hhmm.csv
The file name “yyyymmdd” represents the year, month and day on which the data was downloaded.
The file name “hhmm” represents the hour and minute at which the data was downloaded.
Year Month Day Hour Minute
File description: Date (date)
Time (time)
Power Production Max (kW) (maximum amount of power production)
Power Consumption Max (kW) (maximum amount of power consumed)
Power Import Max (kW) (maximum amount of power purchased)
Power Export Max (kW) (maximum amount of power feed-in)
The details on the power status of respective power attributes (power production / power
consumption / power feed-in / power purchase) are displayed by lists. (Page 41)
Touch the desired log ( ) to switch respective power graphs.
What Power Monitor can do