Menu buttons
The names of the Menu buttons are displayed.
Menu buttons have different names and roles for each screen that is being displayed.
Refer to the descriptions of respective functions for details of the Menu buttons.
Power log is displayed.
Status of the Inverters and the error log are displayed.
Setting for the Inverters and monitor.
Display the status of Inverters.
This is a slideshow feature.
One Point
Numerical values that are displayed on the screens are all displayed as values that have
been rounded up or off.
For instance in case where a value is “3.14 kWh”, this is displayed as “3.1 kWh”, whereas if
the value is “3.15 kWh”, then it is displayed as “3.2 kWh”.
Thus the numerical values that are displayed do not necessarily completely match with
the true value in some cases, as described above.
Refer to “4. When Something Seems Wrong (Troubleshooting)” (Page 85) for details when
the Suppression and Communication Malfunction icons are displayed frequently.
● Display of tabs
The selected tab is displayed in white. The non-displaying tabs are displayed in light blue.
Selected tab
Non-displaying tab
Flow of electricity
Power production: The “ ” symbol flows from left to right between power production and
Power selling: The “ ” symbol flows from left to right between consumption and power
Power purchasing: The “ “symbol flows from right to left between consumption and
power purchase.
What Power Monitor can do