Venting and Combustion Air Installation
The installer should consider the following
when choosing this vent option:
a. The vent system should contain a conden-
sate trap located near the unit as shown in
Fig. 20, page 35.
b. The vent system must pitch back to the unit
1/4 inch per foot as a minimum.
c. The vent system must maintain the follow-
ing clearances to combustibles:
0 inches when there are no horizontal
offsets and fully enclosed by com-
bustibles on all sides
1 inch when there are horizontal offsets
and fully enclosed by combustibles on
all sides.
0 inches with or without offsets and
unenclosed or with 1 side open and a
maximum 3 sides enclosed with com-
bustible materials.
0 inches with or without offsets and
enclosed with non combustible materials.
Venting Option - Non-Direct Vent /
In this vent application the PERFORMANCE
is vented horizontally through a wall using
only approved 3-inch stainless steel vent mate-
rial and using room air for combustion.
The installer should consider the following
when choosing this vent option:
a. The vent system must contain a con-
densate trap located near the unit as
shown in Fig. 21 page 36.
b. The vent system must be pitched a min-
imum 1/4 inch per foot or as specified
by the vent manufacturer.
Although the vent system is allowed to
pitch away from the unit, it is recom-
mended that the vent system pitches
toward the unit with a condensate drain
installed as close to the unit as possible.
Opting to pitch the vent system away
poses potential damage to the building
exterior or to the surrounding landscape
and/or potential risks of icing if conden-
sate is formed.
c. Penetration at the wall requires a wall
d. Clearance to combustibles must be
maintained per the vent manufacturer’s
requirements. Reference the vent man-
ufacturer’s installation instructions for
additional details.
Maintain a minimum 2-inch clearance to
combustible wall and 1-inch clearance to
non-combustible in the absence of the
vent manufacturer’s recommended
clearance when penetrating a sidewall.
e. At a minimum a 3-inch elbow with
screen should be placed on the combus-
tion air inlet of the unit. This will pre-
vent an accidental blockage should
anything be placed on top of the unit.
Venting Option - Direct Vent /Horizontal
In this vent application the PERFORMANCE
typically is vented horizontally through a wall
using only approved 3-inch stainless steel vent
material and using outside air for combustion.
The installer should consider the following
when choosing this vent option:
a. The vent system should contain a con-
densate trap located near the unit as
shown in Figs. 22, 22A & 22B, page 36.
b. The vent system must pitch back to the
unit 1/4 inch per foot.