D e lt a M u lt i- C ir c u i t P o w e r M e t e r D P M - M A11 2 1 U s e r M a n u a l
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Steps of setup are as follows:
Press the ENTER key on the parameter page, the setting starts after the content flashes.
Use UP and DOWN to select power unit.
Press ENTER key to finish setting and back to next parameter page.
Press LEFT key and hold 2 seconds to cancel input and return to the previous menu. Current Low Cut Setting (Locut)
The current low cut shielding percentage setting, when the measured current value is lower than the set percentage,
the current value is zero. Settable range 0.0%~100.00%. The default value is 0.4%.
Steps of setup are as follows:
Press ENTER on the parameter page and start setting after the number flashes.
Press UP or DOWN to select the numeric.
Press LEFT key move to next digit.
Repeat step 2 to 3 until finishing setting, press ENTER key to save and return to the next parameter page.
Press LEFT key and hold 2 seconds to cancel input and return to the previous menu. Energy Reset (TLrst)
Reset all energy of power meter, the password is 2100.
Steps of setup are as follows:
Press ENTER on the parameter page and start setting after the number flashes.
Press UP or DOWN to select the numeric.
Press LEFT key move to next digit.
Repeat step 2 to 3 until finishing 4-digits, press ENTER key to confirm clear and return to the next parameter
Press LEFT key and hold 2 seconds to cancel input and return to the previous menu. Modify PASSWORD (PCode)
Change user password, and the default value is 1000.
Steps of setup are as follows: