Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
Treatment for the detected Input Phase Loss
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: warn, ramp to stop
1: warn, coast to stop
Over ripple protection
Derating Protection
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: constant rated current and limit carrier wave by load current and
1: constant carrier frequency and limit load current by setting carrier wave
2: constant rated current(same as setting 0), but close current limit
Setting 0:
When the rated current is constant, carrier frequency (Fc) outputted by PWM will auto decrease
according to surrounding temperature, overload output current and time. If overload situation is
not frequent and only cares the carrier frequency operated with the rated current for a long time
and carrier wave changes during short overload, it is recommended to set to 0.
Refer to the following diagram for the level of carrier frequency. Take VFD007CB43A-20 in normal
duty as example, surrounding temperature 50oC with independent installation and UL open-type.
When the carrier frequency is set to 15kHz, it corresponds to 72% rated output current. When it
outputs higher than the value, it will auto decrease the carrier frequency. If the output is 83% rated
current and the carrier frequency will decrease to 12kHz. In addition, it will also decrease the
carrier frequency when overload. When the carrier frequency is 15kHz and the current is
120%*72%=86% for a minute, the carrier frequency will decrease to the factory setting.
Setting 1:
It is used for the fixed carrier frequency and prevents the carrier wave changes and motor noise
caused by the surrounding temperature and frequent overload.
Refer to the following for the derating level of rated current. Take VFD007CB43A-20 in normal
duty as example, when the carrier frequency keeps in 15kHz and the rated current is decreased to
72%, it will have OL protection when the current is 120%*72%=86% for a minute. Therefore, it
needs to operate by the curve to keep the carrier frequency.
Setting 2:
It sets the protection method and action to 0 and disables the current limit for the Ratio*160% of
output current in the normal duty and Ratio*180% of output current in the heavy duty. The
advantage is that it can provide higher output current when the setting is higher than the factory
setting of carrier frequency. The disadvantage is that it decreases carrier wave easily when
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