Chapter 11 Description of Parameter Settings
C200 Series
PLC commands the drive action regardless decoding method 1 or 2.
Internal Communication Protocol
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Modbus 485
PLC Address
Factory Setting: 2
Settings 1~254
CANopen Slave Address
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: Disable
CANopen Speed
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0: 1M
1: 500k
2: 250k
3: 125k
4: 100k (Delta only)
5: 50k
CANopen Frequency Gain
Factory Setting: 1.00
Settings 0.00~2.00
CANopen Warning Record
Factory Setting: 0
Settings bit 0: CANopen Guarding Time out
bit 1: CANopen Heartbeat Time out
bit 2: CANopen SYNC Time out
bit 3: CANopen SDO Time out
bit 4: CANopen SDO buffer overflow
bit 5: Can Bus Off
bit 6: Error protocol of CANOPEN
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