4.2 Function Setting
You can assign SOC limit, peak cut power, BT charge / discharge time interval,
Main Supply Breaker Capacity and Time Schedule for SOH-cycle.
You can assign the lower limit of battery SOC. Battery will stop discharging
when its SOC reach this limit.
• SOC Limit
Peak cut power is used in peak cut mode. You can assign the peak power of
home load usage from grid. When the home load consumption exceeds this
value, battery will discharge to supply remaining power.
• Peak Cut Power
Time settings can be separated into BT charge time and BT discharge time.
Each setting has 3 time setting intervals. The time setting of all the intervals
cannot overlap with each other.
Time setting function is only available under self-consumption mode and selling
first mode. Under either mode, BX6.3_AC100 will automatically switched to
charge first / discharge first mode according to the time setting function and
switched back to the original mode when the time is out of the setting interval.
• Time Settings
• Main Supply Breaker Capacity
Please set the current rating of the main supply breaker of the household.
The system will refer to this setting to adjust its maximum charging power
drawn from the grid during peak hours to avoid the unnecessary tripping of
the breaker.
• Time Schedule for SOH-cycle
Once a year the BX6.3_AC100 and BX12.6_AC100 must do a FULL un-interrupted
discharge and re-charge cycle. This will be completed and undertaken at a
scheduled day and time as set by the user. Should the temperature of the battery
be below 20 degrees Celsius the battery will postpone the process for 90 days.