Converged System. The following table defines the maximum number of compute hosts per
Converged System:
Table 1:
VxBlock or VBlock System Type
Number of Compute Servers (half-width)
VxBlock or VBlock 350
VxBlock or VBlock 540
VxBlock or VBlock 740
Deployment of more than one VMware vCenter server per Converged System requires the
deployment of a redundant AMP server with an external VNXe. Each AMP Server must be
appropriately scaled to support multiple VMware vCenter servers.
You must scale the entire Converged System AMP, network, storage, and compute environment
resources appropriately when deploying multiple VMware vCenter servers with its associated
resources in a Converged System.
Inter Converged System VMware ELM scalability planning in
Converged Systems in a single physical data center
Determine the maximum number of which can be configured with ELM and VMware vSphere 6.0.
Scenario 1: Each Converged System is deployed with two PSCs.
Based on a standard Converged System configuration with two PSCs, you can have a maximum
of four Converged Systems. A minimum of one VMware vCenter server is required for each
Converged System. The maximum number of VMware vCenter servers with ELM is limited to ten.
Each of the four Converged Systems can support more than one VMware vCenter servers. In this
configuration, you must maintain the Dell EMC VMware vSphere software Release Certification
Matrix (RCM) consistently across all four Converged Systems. Periodically, monitor PSC
replication sequence numbers to verify PSC synchronization.
Dell EMC recommends a maximum of two Converged Systems. Minimizing the number of PSCs
and VMware vCenter servers in a VMware vSphere 6.0 ELM configuration, reduces the size of
the fault, operation and management domain and reduces RCM upgrade complexity. Each
Converged System has two PSCs and a maximum of two VMware vCenter servers per
Converged System. Dell EMC recommends AMP-2S to maintain and operate and provide single
pane of glass management for the more than two Converged Systems.
Deployment of more than one VMware vCenter server per Converged System requires a
redundant AMP with an external VNXe. You must appropriately scale each AMP Server to
support multiple VMware vCenter servers.
You must appropriately scale the entire Converged System AMP, network, storage, and compute
environment resources when deploying multiple VMware vCenter servers with its associated
resources in a Converged System.
Determine the maximum number of Converged Systems that can be configured with ELM with VMware
vSphere 6.0 in a single physical data center.
Configuring VMware Enhanced Linked Mode (vSphere 6.0)