DEKKER Vacuum Technologies, Inc. / Part No. 9983-0000-E02 / September 2019
DP Inlet is a differential pressure across the inlet filter to monitor the filter. When the differential reaches the
preset point a warning will show on the screen, once the filter is cleaned and the differential is reduced the
warning will go away. A keycode (See Entering Keycodes) is required to enable this feature also an extra
transducer is required.
To enable remote Start/Stop first the inputs must be wired. A NO momentary button is wired from the +24VDC
on one side and to Digital input 6 on the other side. A NC momentary button is wired to +24VDC on one side
and to Digital input 7 on the other. Both buttons must be momentary. Then to enable Remote Start/Stop you
must enter the keycode. (See Entering Keycodes)