DEKKER Vacuum Technologies, Inc. / Part No. 9983-0000-E02 / September 2019
When set up for multimachine the system will rotate pumps every 24 hours if needed. For rotation to occur, the
Lead pump must have the most run hours. When this condition is met and the time for rotation occurs, the Lag
pump will become the lead pump. If this condition is not met rotation will not occur. If a triplex or higher system
rotation for each pump will occur in order based on run hours of each pump.
The pumps can be rotated manually, but the same condition above applies, the Lead must have the most hours.
To rotate pumps manually, on the Lead pump, press and hold RESET button until you see the text
“Manual Transfer” appear on the screen, then release the button. Wait a few seconds and you will see
the upper text “LD” move to the opposite controller, the text “LG1” will move to where the “LD” was