Em50 Series
The Em50 stores data for all five sensor ports for each measure-
ment interval. If no sensor is connected to one or more of the logger
ports, the Em50 stores a “0” for that port.
The Em50 data memory is non-volatile flash. Removing the bat-
teries or performing a system reset does not erase your data.
Removing batteries or resetting the system also resets the clock in
the data logger. To set the clock to the correct time, simply connect
your Em50 to a computer or handheld device running ECH2O soft-
Data Storage Size
The Em50 stores more than 36,800 data scans. When the logger
has filled its data memory, it begins overwriting the oldest data in
the memory.
Measurement Span
Depending on the set measurement interval, the Em50 can read for
several weeks to several years before its memory has filled. When
you set up your Em50 using ECH20 Utility, the software displays
how many days of data the Em50 can hold based on the measure-
ment interval that you have chosen. You can determine how many
days of data your Em50 can hold by dividing the size of the data
memory (36,864 scans) by the measurement interval. For example,
an Em50 set on an hourly measurement interval stores 1,500 days, or
about four years, worth of data. An Em50 set to five minutes stores
data for 125 days, or about four months.
Compatible Sensors
The Em50 logger is only compatible with sensors made by Decagon.
Here is a list of compatible sensors. To learn more about individual
sensors and their respective calibrations, please visit: