Em50 Series
2. Make sure you are within radio range of the remote logger by
performing a telemetry test. If this is the problem, increase the
radio signal strength to your logger by moving closer to your
logger or using a high-gain antenna to see if you can establish
a radio connection.
3. Make sure the antenna on the logger and the Rm-1 are securely
fastened to the radio module.
4. Check the Radio Channel and the Radio Subchannel settings
you are using on your remote loggers and Rm-1. See Section
6, Connecting via a Radio Modem, for how to configure your
radio settings.
5. Make sure you wait ten minutes between connection attempts
for the same logger. If you just disconnected from a logger,
you must wait for ten minutes before that logger accepts radio
connections (you can always direct connect to your logger).
6. Make sure your logger has good batteries. Try pressing the
reset button on your logger.
ECH20 Utility keeps reporting it lost the connection to my device.
This can happen when the radio connection is lost. Try increas-
ing the radio signal strength by moving closer to the remote logger
or using a high-gain antenna. You can also increase the number of
times ECH20 Utility tries sending commands to the logger. Increase
the Radio Connect Retries in the Communications tab on the Pref-
erences form.
Troubleshooting Data Issues
ECH20 Utility tells me there is no new data for downloading.