Em50 Series
Em50 Series Status Lights
The green and red lights indicate the current status of your Em50/Em
50G logger and the logger self test function. A short, single blink of
the green light every five seconds indicates the Em50/Em50R/Em50G
is configured to log sensor data. The light does not blink if the logger
measurement interval is set to 0 or “Off.”
The green light blinks slowly on and off to indicate the logger is
connected to a serial port or the cellular module is powered on. The
green light pulses when the Em50G is actively sending data over the
cellular network.
The red light blinks continuously to indicate the logger date and
time are not set correctly. This can happen when the batteries have
been disconnected. You must connect to your Em50 series logger
using any ECH
O System software to reset the logger internal clock.
The logger stops error blinking when the date is reset or after two
minutes have elapsed (to preserve battery power).
Em50 Series Test Button
The Em50 series loggers have a “Test” button to perform basic
functionality testing. When you press the Test button, the logger
performs several checks on internal systems and with the Em50G
attempts a communication session over the cellular network. The
logger uses the lights during the test to indicate connection status.
Pressing the Test button may also reset the logger clock by using
the time of the cellular network if the connected network supports
time information.
Both the green and red lights blink slowly while the Em50G per-
forms tests. Please be patient. It can take as much as 60 seconds or
more to finish the cellular communication tests in the Em50G.
A solid green light indicates that internal tests passed and there is
successful communication over the cellular network to the Decagon