Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
5. Leaf Porometer Utility
Setting the Date and Time
You can set the Leaf Porometer’s date and time by selecting
“Set Porometer Date/Time” from the Actions Menu. This
will automatically synchronize the Leaf Porometer’s date
and time to your computer’s date and time.
Calibration Number
Sensor Calibration Number screen
You can use the Leaf Porometer Utility to enter a calibra-
tion number for the external sensor. To do this, go to
Actions > Set Sensor Cal Num... . The above screen will
appear. Enter the desired calibration number then click OK.
All five numbers must be entered, even if the first number is
a zero! If the number is not correct, an error message will
be displayed. Note that the calibration number is generally
saved in the unit through the user initiated calibration rou-