Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
3. The Menus
Auto mode.
Takes readings automatically for 30 sec-
onds. You must press Enter
placing the sensor on
the leaf for Auto mode to work properly. In this mode,
you are unable to save your information mid-reading.
You must wait until the timer runs out after 30 seconds,
then you may save your reading. Also, if initial conduc-
tance is less than 5 mmol/m
s, you will see a screen
prompting you to place the sensor on a leaf. Conversely,
if the initial conductance is too high, a warning screen
will appear.
Manual mode.
Continuously measures conductance
and updates the screen. This mode is only suitable for
low conductances (<20 mmol m
. The user can
decide when equilibrium has been reached. Pressing
Enter will give you the option to save your data at any
point during the reading.
Data in the Leaf Porometer can be displayed in three units.
These can be accessed on the Main Screen, as well as under
the Configuration Menu
When in the Configuration Menu,
select “Units” and press Enter to select a unit.
This menu allows you to view and save real time sensor val-
ues from your sensor head. An error message will pop up
next to a reading if the value is out of range. Pressing Enter
during this screen will save a Scan Record that you can view
or download at a later time.