Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
4. Sensor Head Calibration
vapor diffusion will be impeded. It is best to hold the
porometer head and calibration plate still or set them down
during the calibration. Excessive movement can introduce
error into the calibration.
10) Equilibrate Sensors
Once the three minute hydration period is finished, you will
be prompted to remove the sensor head and equilibrate the
sensors to ambient humidity.
Remove the sensor head from the calibration plate, open
the sensor head and wave the sensor head in the air to mix
the air in the diffusion path. You can use the spacer pin to
hold open the sensor head if desired. As the sensors come
to ambient conditions, you should see the indicator bar
move closer to the "AMB" line. Once the sensors have
equilibrated to ambient conditions, the Attach Sensor Head
screen will automatically re-appear.
11) Attach Sensor Head to Calibration Plate
Once the sensors have equilibrated to ambient conditions,
the Attach Sensor Head screen will automatically re-appear.
Follow directions (#7 above) to correctly attach sensor head
to the calibration plate.