Leaf Porometer Operator’s Manual
3. The Menus
Before beginning a reading, make sure that the Leaf Porom-
eter is turned on, and that the sensor head is clean and
properly connected.
NOTE: Make sure you are holding the sensor in the correct manner.
Holding the sensor head correctly is extremely important. If you do not,
you can expose the Teflon disk to extra humidity and cause inaccurate
readings. The pictures below illustrate the correct way to hold the exter-
nal sensor:
Correct Incorrect
Once you are holding the sensor head properly, place it on
the leaf as shown below.
It is important to consider if you will be measuring adaxial
conductance (on the top of the leaf) or abaxial (the bottom). Since the
stomates of most leaves are on the bottom of the leaf, most measure-
ments will be abaxial: