BIOS compatibility
Because of the numerous BIOS systems on the market, and the constant changes in
them and in processor optimizations, mice, and keyboards, it is impossible to guarantee
universal compatibility for the Voyager keyboard/mouse emulation. The Voyager
emulation is compatible with almost all standard PC (Intel/AMD based) BIOS systems,
but the customer is responsible for testing the Voyager with his/her own equipment
within the unconditional return period established by his dealer.
Important note on power supplies/mains adapters
The local unit is normally powered from the keyboard connector with 5 V DC. Some
PC’s do not supply enough power from the keyboard connector; this necessitates the
use of a 5VDC mains adapter on the local unit. The Voyager 100 is equipped with a
DC jack for this purpose; this jack is normally not used, since most PC-s supply enough
power through the keyboard connector.
If you daisy-chain the local with other gear, please use a separate 5volt
supply (9014-00MS) for the local.
Because of the constant and rapid changes in operating systems it is impossible for
Daxten to guarantee universal compatibility or compatibility with Windows systems
released after the purchase date of the Voyager equipment.
The customer is responsible for testing the Voyager with his own equipment within the
unconditional return period established by his dealer. After elapse of the test period the
Voyager system will normally not be accepted for return because of compatibility.
It is possible to get new firmware, when new software is released. Ask your Daxten