12 Descent Techniques
12.1 Big ears
Sink rate can be decreased in a controlled way by
folding both wing tips. While holding the brakes you
should symmetrically pull the outermost A-risers.
In order to return to the normal flight, you should
release the A-risers and pull the brake short times
until wing tips regain pressure.
Spiraling is not permitted with big ears, because of the
increased load on the remaining lines so that they can
be physically deformed.
12.2 Spiral dive
When you hold one sided brake down for a long time,
the glider goes into a fast sharp turn and loses a lot
of height. We recommend you don’t to get into the
sink rate over 10m/s. The sink rate could be more
than 15 m/sec. To get out of the spiral dive you must
release the inner brake. Mind that BALLAD may take
one more turn after releasing the brake. While spiral
diving, the pilot experiences considerable overload up
to 3 – 4g, so you can lose orientation.
13 Landing
We recommend to land with trimmers to the normal
slow position.
When you are 1-2m over the ground, you should pull