achieve its best minimum sink rate.
10.2 Turn control
To familiarize yourself with the BALLAD your first
turns should be gradual and progressive.
To make efficient and coordinated turns with the
BALLAD first look in the direction you want to go and
check that the airspace is clear. Your first input for
directional change should be weight-shift, followed by
the smooth application of the brake until the desired
bank angle is achieved. To regulate the speed and
radius of the turn, coordinate your weight shift and
use the outer brake.
11 Deflations
11.1 Asymmetric collapse
Turbulence may cause a portion of the wing suddenly
to collapse. Asymmetric collapses should be controlled
by weight shifting away from the collapse and applying
enough brake to control your direction. And you
should use the brake to re-inflate the glider.
11.2 Frontal collapse
BALLAD comes out of symmetrical front collaps by
itself. But It could be fast recovered, if you apply the
brake down to 15 to 20cm.
If your wing collapses in accelerated flight, immediately
release the accelerator and manage the collapse using