ALE Submenu
(7) OTHR ADRS selects and reviews other addresses (where mes-
sages are to be sent). Enter a number (from 00 to 99) to be assigned an
address or an existing number to review or change.
(8) OTHR NAME allows a new or different name, for the other
address selected in (7) OTHR ADRS, to be entered. Any existing
other address name displays briefly. Use the alpha characters on the
keypad to enter from 3 to 15 characters (no spaces or punctuation).
(9) MOD GRP modifies or defines which channels in a scan group are
to be included in the scanning process. Scroll to the channel to be set.
To include a channel in a scan group, enter 1 (ON). To remove a chan-
nel from a group enter 2 (OFF).
(10) SND SELCT enables or disables sounding. Enter 1 for sound
OFF and 2 for sound ON.
(11) SND ADRS sets the sounding feature to the self address selected
in (5) SELF ADRS.
(12) SND LEN sets the length of each sounding transmission. The
recommended sounding length is 5 or 10 seconds.
(13) SND INT sets the TW7000 to sound in time intervals from
1 minute to 24 hours (0001 to 1439 minutes).
(14) CALL LIM limits the number of attempts that can be made on
each channel when trying to establish an ALE link (00 to 99).
(15) SLF TMOUT sets the length of time your transceiver remains
linked after all outgoing messages are transmitted (000-600 in 15-sec-
ond intervals).
(16) OTR TMOUT sets the length of time your transceiver remains
linked when there are no incoming responses (000-600 in 15-second
(17) AUTO FILL selects whether or not the radio can automatically
enter and retain addresses of other radios heard. Enter 1 for OFF and
2 for ON, or use the arrows to toggle between OFF and ON.
(18) LQA EXCNG requests that a calling or called station exchange a
measurement of the link quality received on the other end. Enter 1 for
OFF (no request) and 2 for ON (request), or use the arrows to toggle
between OFF and ON.
(19) LQA DECAY controls the time period in which an LQA score
linearly decays from a state of perfect (30) to a state of dead (0).
Selectable in periods of 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 hours.