Dateq BCS70 Manual
Operating instructions
Because most of the functions of the BCS70 are determined by microcontrollers, existing and
new automatic functions could be implemented.
CUE reset w hen a channel is opened
To reduce the possibility of making mistakes, in this case listening to the CUE-signal in stead of
your program, the CUE-function on a module is reset if you open the channel.
CUE reset if you select a source other than CUE
As soon as you select a control-room source on the master module w hich is not the CUE
source, all active CUE’s on the input modules are reset. This ensures you of listening to the
selected source, even w ith master-CUE configured on one or more modules.
Remote CUE function w ithout external CUE sw itch
If a module has been configured w ith the Remote Cue function, then it is possible to put that
module on CUE by setting the connected equipment in the PLAY mode. This (softw are)
function makes an external CUE button superfluous. The reverse (starting the equipment if
CUE is pressed w ith the channel sw itched off) is also possible, although this is not
implemented as standard in the module's operating softw are. Please contact Dateq if you
really need this option for your application.
Control Room output is sw itched off
The signal to the Control Room output is automatically sw itched off as soon as there is a
possibility that there w ill be feedback from a microphone via the speakers connected to this
output. This can happen if, for example, a DJ channel is on, if CUE and MASTER CUE on a DJ
channel are active or if the technician is speaking to the COM bus or to the CUE bus w hen the
bus concerned has been selected on the Control Room selector panel.
Sw itching Control Room and Phones to AIR or PGM
To prevent mistakes, the Control Room automatically sw itches to the AIR or PGM signal at the
moment that a DJ channel is sw itched on. This guarantees that the DJ is listening to the
correct signal if he is about to go on air. The Control Room selection made earlier is restored
w hen the DJ channel is sw itched off again.
Equipment connected is stopped if input-selection changes
If you sw itch over from -for instance- input 1 to input 2, the equipment connected to input 1 is
stopped first before the module switches over to input 2.