Revision 1.0.2
Jan 16, 2014
Firmware version: Arrakis 1.1
Congratulations on your purchase of an ARC series console. One possible feature with your
console is the Bluetooth channel. This section of the manual will assist with the operation of
the Bluetooth feature.
Bluetooth is an optional feature for the ARC series consoles (ARC-10 series & ARC-15). The Part
number in the order will specify 'blue' at the end, if you have purchased a Bluetooth version. For
example, the ARC-10BP-blue has Bluetooth, but the ARC-10BP does not.
On your ARC series console, you will
notice your Bluetooth controls on the
left side of the meter panel. The
antenna is located on the top, and
there are 2 buttons with specific tasks.
Bluetooth audio will play out the
Bluetooth channel (CH 10 for ARC-10,
CH 15 for ARC-15). This is the phone
hybrid channel, and may alternatively
be used with your phone hybrid. The
phone and Bluetooth audio sums into
this channel.
Operational Instructions:
To connect your cell phone, tablet, or Bluetooth device to the console:
1. Power up your ARC console. If already powered on, then leave the console on.
2. Press and hold the green
button for exactly 5 seconds, and then release.
You will hear a beep on the Bluetooth channel.
3. You will notice the red
button will now blink on your console. This means it
is ready to connect. In your cell phone, tablet, or other device, turn on the
Bluetooth option. You will have 10 minutes to pair. After the 10 minutes, it will
still flash, but you will need to start back at step 1 to pair.
4. In your device settings, select
Search for devices
. This step is different
depending on the device you are connecting.
5. Your device should find
X (X = the firmware version). Select to
6. Now that your device is paired, the red
button should now be constant lit.
7. After your device is paired, you will only need to reconnect within your device. It
is as simple as finding the Bluetooth device and select the option to Connect.
Arrakis Systems
970-461-0730 – www.arrakis-systems.com
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