If you are having trouble pairing a device. Try these steps:
1. Power down, and then power up your ARC console.
2. Press and hold the green
button for exactly 5 seconds, and then release.
You will hear a beep on the Bluetooth channel.
3. You will notice the red
button will now blink on your console. This means it
is ready to connect. In your cell phone, tablet, or other device, turn on the
Bluetooth option. You will have 10 minutes to pair. After the 10 minutes, it will still
flash, but you will need to start back at step 1 to pair.
4. In your device settings, select
Search for devices
. This step is different
depending on the device you are connecting.
5. Your device should find
X (X = the firmware version). Select to
6. Now that your device is paired, the red
button should now be constant lit.
*It is always recommended to have only one device connected at a time. If your station
will be consistently changing connected devices, then it is recommended to unpair the
device when you are done using it. That way it will be easier for the next user to pair
and connect their different device.
**As a note, not all devices will have full Bluetooth functionality. Some phones may
connect for calls, but not be able to stream music, and vice versa.
***If your studio is only using one device, then it isn't necessary to pair and re-pair the
device every time you are using it. Rather, it is more effective to connect (if not already
connected) directly from the device's menu.
Arrakis Systems
970-461-0730 – www.arrakis-systems.com
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