B r o w s i n g t o t h e P r i n t e r ’ s I n t e r n a l W e b P a g e s
Browsing to the Printer’s Internal Web Pages
1. Open your web browser. Type in the IP Address of the printer. The Default IP is:
If you have assigned different IP Address to the printer, make sure to enter the correct IP Address.
2. The following page will appear:
The printer’s internal web pages are divided into 14 pages that are accessible via the navigation bar on the left-hand side.
Most of the items on these pages mimic the printer's internal menu. For more information on the function of these settings
see the corresponding function in the Operator’s Manual.
WiFi Configuration
page contains many items associated with the setup of the wireless card as well as wireless
security settings. The following tables provide information on each of the items listed on this page.
You must provide a password to change any settings, the default password is “
After changes are sent to the printer, (on all web pages) the printer must be reset in order for the
changes to take effect. This can be done from the “Reset Network Parameters” web page.
If any address parameters were changed such as IP address, subnet or gateway, the printer
might not be viewable from the current host if they are no longer on the same subnet.